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firsturhealth.com services

Book Lab Test

Find My Doctor

Search my medication

Find My Doctor Feature Search Healthcare Provider (Doctor) for online consultancy. Firsturhealth members can opt online consultancy with no charges (free). We provide services in 400+ cities.

Book an appointment feature for book appointment with firsturhealth network for our members and non-members also.
for out-network healthcare provider (doctor)’s appointment is also available through our application.

Search My Medication is one of the feature to know about medication and its composition. It’s helpful understand pros and cons of intake medication. We also provide the treatment procedure plan for illness.

For book lab test, Diagnosis , Imaging with us our mobile unit. We provide lab test facility at your door steps.

Mobile healthcare

healthcare Benefits Plans


Mobile Healthcare Services is only for our member’s only they can locate our healthcare unit for regular healthcare checkups or any other illness or free medication or lab Test.

Firsturhealth offer various healthcare plans for healthcare wellness plans. We offer our all plans for full cost free for all type of treatment procedure and cover all kind of illness for entire treatment.

We offer to opt  for telemedicine. For telemedicine and tele appointments connect with us.firsturhealth member can order unlimited telemedicine and tele treatments with us. 

firsturhealth.com offers mobile healthcare. We have more than 300+ mobile healthcare unit. mobile healthcare units equipped with labs, OPD, Medicos centres and one separate unit for 10 bed hospitals

At Firsturhealth, we are revolutionising healthcare by combining cutting-edge robotic technology with a mobile healthcare infrastructure. Our mission is to make high-quality medical services more affordable and accessible to everyone. Through our innovative mobile hospital units, robotic-assisted medical procedures, and on-site medication and lab services, we bring healthcare directly for you. Firsturhealth is also provide healthcare benefits wellness programs covers entire treatment for all types of illness. We have 300+ Mobile healthcare units to serve you onsite for any type of consultancy. We are not only provide consultancy or treatment its more than healthcare we care for your precious life and healthy nature of your body. We are not only healthcare services provider we care relationship.

Quick Link to Services

Find My Doctor

Book Appointment

Search My Medication

Order Lab Test

Order Medicine

Locate mobile healthcare unit

Firsturhealth benefits plans


Firsturhealth Members

myCare Programs

firsturhealth.com - revolizing healthcare



Firsturhealth.com is leading healthcare provider with edging robotics healthcare technology affordable and cost effective healthcare services to everyone. Our healthcare services have no boundaries we serve in metropolitan city as well as remote area with our mobile healthcare hospitals. Our mobile healthcare unit is equipped with highly modernised facility such as modernised labs, diagnosis,Imagine(Radio) and 10 bed hospitals and OPD. Firsturhealth is on mission to make revolution in the healthcare, healthcare is not privilege it’s right. Firsturhealth.com is take healthcare services to directly to everyone.

Our Partners




About us

find my doctor

healthcare wellness plans

myCare healthcare plans

Mobile healthcare units

Book appointments

online consultancy

tele appointment

tele medicine

Search our centers

my benefits plans

meet our team

Search our medication

Order our medication

Order lab, imagine, diagnosis test


Our partners

helpline- 24x7 customer support

Firsturhealth.com services

EMR- (firsturhealth) Products

Patient Management System

Treatment care Management System

Firsturhealth.com network system

Hybrid network system

Our robotics care management system

F2F virtual consultancy

Tele consultancy

Visit consultancy


Video gallery

Image gallery

Our Policy

Term & Conditions

US health policy

Europe health policy

Indian health policy

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